Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Writing for the sake of having output...


Apologies I haven't been writing.  It's just that the days have been a bit uneventful lately.  Hopefully soon something interesting comes up.  I have written a few drafts that I intend to just keep as drafts.  I work in that way, as my process starts out and once I finish it or nearly finish it, I hate the output to a point that I bin it.  In ways that's how I make dishes as well, I start out then I get unhappy with the dish then I lock it up and throw away the key--mind you in an area where I might actually find it again then after treat it like a new idea thereby getting enthusiastic once more (breathe).  A vicious cycle.  Visually, it's like a dog running after its tail. 

So for the sake of not letting one month pass since I write something, I will leave everyone with a quote I just read leafing through "A Day at El Bulli" the other day:

"Creativity means not copying."

Too bad I just copied that quote. 


P.S. We have a dinner planned on the 28th of May.  Please email if you're interested. :)